This page shows how to set up password-less access to shell and to sftp from your home Mac desktop or Mac laptop. For a Windows computer, use PuTTY or install Cygwin.
Enter your username , then copy these lines [these lines depend on your username] as one block and paste, do not type, in Terminal, and enter your TU password when prompted:
SSH=`which ssh` SSH="$SSH -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q" CAT=`which cat` MKDIR=`which mkdir` SSHDIR="$HOME/.ssh" SERVER='' PRIVATEKEY="$SSHDIR/$SERVER" PUBLICKEY="${PRIVATEKEY}.pub" RM=`which rm` REMOTESSHDIR=".ssh" AUTHORIZEDKEYS="$REMOTESSHDIR/authorized_keys" CONFIG="$SSHDIR/config" CHMOD=`which chmod` COMMAND=" if ! [[ -d $REMOTESSHDIR ]]; then /usr/bin/mkdir $REMOTESSHDIR; fi /usr/bin/chmod 0700 $REMOTESSHDIR /usr/bin/cat >> $AUTHORIZEDKEYS /usr/bin/chmod 0600 $AUTHORIZEDKEYS " if [[ -e $PRIVATEKEY ]]; then $RM $PRIVATEKEY; fi /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f $PRIVATEKEY $CAT $PUBLICKEY | $SSH username@$SERVER "$COMMAND" $CAT >> $CONFIG << EOF host $SERVER User username StrictHostKeyChecking=no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$SERVER host shell Hostname $SERVER EOF $CHMOD 600 $CONFIG cd ~/.ssh if ! [ -e id_rsa]; then ln -s $SERVER id_rsa; ln -sf $; fi
Now ssh-ing to the server or sftp-ing to the server will no longer require a password.